Faith in Action

Faith in Action

All Souls Catholic School has a rich tradition of prayers and liturgy.
The parish and school have a strong relationship and work together closely on liturgical preparation and celebration. The school works closely with All Souls Catholic Parish when preparing our students for the sacraments. Students usually receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in the Second Grade and the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Eighth Grade.
Students pray in their homeroom classes throughout the day, before the first class, before lunch, and in the afternoon the entire school stops and prays in their respective classes and classrooms at 2:00 PM. The student council officers lead our morning assemblies that take place after the morning recess. This usually includes an explanation about the Saint of the day, followed by a prayer usually associated with that saint. Lastly, the entire school attends the parish Friday, 8:00 AM Mass.
All Souls Catholic School Mission Statement challenges all to respond to Jesus' call to act out of justice, love, and the humble service of God, recognizing that awareness precedes action. 
Whole school examples of our Faith in Action are:
  • St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Appeal
  • Participation in the Christmas Toy Drive
  • Attendance at the Friday, 8:00 AM Mass 
Student group examples of our Faith in Action are:
  • Altar Servers
  • Choir
  • Student Council, leads and promotes the whole school faith in action activities as listed above
  • Attendance at the First Sunday Family Mass, when their Grade or Homeroom is designated as the primary hosts of that mass where the students serve as Lectors, Prayer of the Faithful, Choir, and Offertory
Middle School examples of Our Faith in Action are:
  • The mandatory Annual Confirmation Retreat Day for those students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.
  • Grade 7 and 8 students have a required service component as part of their Confirmation program
The school faculty members begin each year with a morning or day devoted to reflection and spiritual preparation for the coming school year. The school is a member of the CSJ Network. Through this network the classroom teachers attend three ministerial workshops every year. The CSJ Network Workshops compliment two Department of Catholic School Catechetical Formation days. 
Our local parish clergy are involved in school life and assist with the preparation of school and parish liturgies.  They administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation to the school students during Advent and Lent. Our pastor will often attend school functions such as the Trimester Academic Awards Ceremony.
All Souls Catholic School, mindful of its mission to be witness to the love of Christ for all, admits students of any race, color, national and/or ethic origin. If you'd like to learn more about us, our values, or our faith feel free to contact us at any time.