Grade 4
English And Language Arts
The fourth grade language arts program continues to emphasize reading skills. Students continue work on oral reading skills, report, essay and creative writing, reading comprehension and reasoning skills, reading rate and fluency through a wide variety of literature. Continued work is done on expanding vocabulary, increasing accuracy in spelling and improving proof reading skills. Students will do work in small groups & respond to literature in spirals using "just right" books for independent reading. The students expand their writing skills in the areas of paragraph development, letter, report, grammar usage, and sentence structure are also areas of focus.
History & Social Studies
The main focus for students in the fourth grade is California. The students learn more about the geography of California. They focus on the Native Americans who settled in California, the Missions of California, the Gold Rush to 20th Century California. Students participate in the California Gold Rush Camp in Columbia, California. After Native American rule, Spanish rule, Mexican rule, and then becoming a state in the U.S. Also learn how people migrated to California & why.
Fourth grade students continue developing their skills with whole number addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They begin work on fractions, mixed numeral and decimals. Continued work is done developing strategies and skills used for solving word problems.
Religion Studies
Fourth grade religion students study Sacraments, corporal & spiritual works of mercy & how they help us live in union with the Ten Commandments, Law of love & Beatitudes. Students also study Family Life with a focus on the gift of Life.
Fourth grade students continue the study of the scientific method. They study earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, weathering & erosion changing the land. The fourth grade will start with ecosystems, adaptation & codependence of organisms, food chains & food webs, conserving ecosystems, properties of minerals & rock cycle. Earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, weathering & erosion changing the land.
Foreign Language - Spanish
Spanish class begins with greetings, prayers, and today’s weather and date. Through music, games, and conversation, students review colors, alphabet, numbers, months of the year, days of the week, and body parts as warm up. Students learn new vocabulary weekly and perform oral and written activities using a workbook. Students continue to focus on spelling, developing sentences, and carrying on conversations. Assessment is based on weekly vocabulary quizzes, daily class work, homework, and participation in class.